Antennas and custom electronic devices


Frequency, MHz 50 MHz
Power watts 2,0 kW
Forward Gain, dBd 8,56
Gain* dbi 15,96
F/B dB 23,5
VSWR 50 / 50,12 / 50,3 1,1 / 1,0 / 1,2
Elements 5
Boom Length 4,20 m
Feed lines Coaxial 50 Ω
Max. Element Length 3,00 m
Wind load at 110 km/h
Balun 1:1 50/50 Ω
Turning Radius 2,60 m
Weight 7 kg

* Data for height of 15 meters above the ground.

Price FCA/BG - 135 € (the specified prices do not include VAT)